Friday, 5 September 2014

Adolescents and Hereditary Ichthyosis Vulgaris

The hereditary ichthyosis vulgaris is a common type of ichthyosis in the United States of America, which has measured with a prevalence of approximately 1 person in every 300 countings. The key reason behind the disease is identified that the symptoms improve with age and honestly it will be higher than the survey report. But same survey says that Acquired ichthyosis is extremely rare in USA. Now the Hereditary Ichthyosis Vulgaris are found all over the world and the prevalence depends on the geographic position and political stability. Another survey was carried out in Berkshire, United Kingdom, says that a frequency of 1 case in 250 schoolchildren is affected by the Ichthyosis Vulgaris.

However, the experts have expressed that acquired ichthyosis is extremely rare and it is unknown prevalence worldwide.
Mortality and Morbidity in Ichthyosis Vulgaris :-

Children face this hereditary ichthyosis vulgaris in very early age but adolescents face hereditary ichthyosis vulgaris with morbidity in terms of cosmesis for long run. On the other hand some infections may occur in fissures of the hands and feet of the affected person. Some cases suggest that the morbidity and mortality of acquired ichthyosis in adults is due to associated internal disease such other skin diseases.
Internal Co-existing Factors of hereditary ichthyosis vulgaris :-

Normally the skin in hereditary ichthyosis vulgaris easily recognize at normal birth time when it becomes rough and dry in that time. This scaling tends to be the most prominent on the extensor surfaces in affected person. More interestingly the diaper area is normally unaffected which is till mysterious. It is seen that the forehead and cheeks are involved early age, but scaling diminishes in these areas with growing age.It is clear that maximize amelioration of symptoms occurs during the summer season.

i. Race: – Research says that Hereditary and acquired ichthyosis vulgaris have no known racial predisposition on affection.

ii. Sex: – Gender doesn’t impact on Hereditary and acquired ichthyosis which occur equally in men and women with out difference.

iii. Age: – Age is an important factor of Hereditary ichthyosis vulgaris as it seen that some are absent at the time of birth but latter it is seen. Some time it is affected in childhood and disappears after few years and it again occurs old age.

The Acquired ichthyosis normally first appears in adulthood on the other hand age-associated systemic diseases do occur in children.
Family History of ichthyosis vulgaris affection:-

If we examine the family history of hereditary ichthyosis vulgaris then it is difficult to ascertain of it because of the varying degrees of penetrance and the general improvement of symptoms over time in the targeted family history..


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