Friday 3 May 2013

Asthma During Pregnancy and Effects

Every women is excited during pregnancy and very rightly so there are reasons to rejoice. Developing asthma during pregnancy is very common even in women who have never had a history of asthma earlier. Asthma during pregnancy makes it difficult for the pregnant women to breathe normally and this condition not only effects the women but also the fetus which is growing inside you which is dependent on you for the oxygen supply to breathe. Having said that, never assume that having asthma during pregnancy will make your pregnancy difficult or dangerous for your fetus. Pregnant women with controlled asthma can have absolutely normal deliveries with no risk to themselves or their baby. So now the question is how to treat asthma during pregnancy.
Asthma During Pregnancy and Effects

Don’t Stop The Asthma Treatment Abruptly:

However if you are taking the treatment for asthma before you got pregnant, never stop it in between fearing that the medication might adversely effect you fetus without the advice of you doctor, because asthma attack during pregnancy would be more harmful than the medication. Uncontrolled asthma during pregnancy pose a greater risk because in such cases the delivery may be premature and the baby may be born underweight. Severe asthma during pregnancy has a greater risk to the fetus which is deprived of the required supply of oxygen from the mother.

Asthma Symptoms During Pregnancy:

Asthma symptoms during pregnancy are same as those at any other time. There are about 10% chances of having an asthma attack during pregnancy, however if the condition deteriorates the symptoms are worst during the period between 6th to 8th months, its therefore advisable to inform your healthcare provider of your asthmatic symptoms to get the proper treatment of asthma during pregnancy. In most cases the asthma symptoms become normal within three months of delivery.
Asthma can be controlled during pregnancy, you can have a normal and healthy delivery just as any other women without asthma, if you have controlled asthma symptoms.

What Triggers An Asthma Attack?

Triggers of asthma during pregnancy are same as that at any other time however their severity may be different depending upon the changes of hormone during pregnancy.

Common triggers of asthma are as follows –

First hand or second hand cigarette smoke
Bacterial and viral infections such as cold, bronchitis, flu and sinusitis
Acid reflux or acidity
Allergic reactions from chemicals
Smoke from cooking or wood fire
Allergies from certain foods
Upsets in emotional relationships
Strong perfumes and sprays
Dust mite and pet allergies

Treatment Of Asthma During Pregnancy:

Asthma during pregnancy can be managed in the same way as it is managed at any other time. The best treatment at the first place is to avoid an asthma attack. So keep a check on your triggers and try to avoid them as far as possible. You may also consider some breathing exercises for asthmatics if you doctor suggests so.

Take care of the following -

Keep away from tobacco and tobacco products, if you smoke its better to quit smoking
Keep away from people suffering from cold or flu
Keep away from things you are allergic to
If you suffer from acidity or heartburn avoid eating heavy and spicy food
Clean your house of the irritants which may cause your asthma to trigger


There are usually two types of medications to control asthma, one is a long term medication to prevent and control asthma symptoms and the other is for a quick relief from asthma attacks. Long term medication during pregnancy is inhaled corticosteroids. These medications are sometimes combined to form one single preparation of inhaled steroid and long acting beta agonist. For fast relief from asthma attacks inhaled short acting beta agonists are taken to get immediate relief from asthma symptoms.

Your Comments ~

Asthma during pregnancy is a concern which should be addressed promptly, though asthma symptoms can be controlled by timely action and proper medications. How do you find the information listed above? Please submit your feedback in the comments below to let us improve to serve you better.


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