Apple Cider Vinegar for Acid Reflux has recently come to noticed and was pretty well excited at the prospect of finding a remedy for acid reflux that have endured for years.It has purchased the Apple Cider Vinegar and used the suggested dosage,2 tablespoons with 1/4 teaspoon of Bicarb Of Soda in a glass of warm water.This was taken 1hr before a meal 3 times a day.After 3 days the acid reflux has become more pronounced both day and night.
ACID REFLUX patient who takes rolaid 3 times daily they can use pickle juice which can help them.
Barring there are no underlying conditions & there is typical acid reflux then diet is essential.Poor food combining added to diminished enzymes & hydrochloric acid production causes food to rot.Enzymes & digestive acid production decline with age due to the constant eating of lifeless cooked foods.It is not recommending a raw food diet as all foods cannot be eaten raw.1/4 to 1 tsp of air dried pink salt in a glass of water in the a.m.stimulates hydrochloric acid production. Enzymes may be taken before each major meal,not after,& followed by betaine hydrochloride after the meal.
Aloe Vera is also nice,It has seen that acid reflux aged more than 7 years,having been going to hospital taking all antibiotic.It seemed not working.Vestige food supplement in India It is taken.It is easy to take aloe vera with fish oil and it is seemed that is working.
Stomach problems and acid reflux has stumbled on a cure by accident.It is called the Lemonade Fast and is apparently pretty ancient.It is just wanted it for an easy fast and cleanse. Into 10 ounces water,mix in 2 Tablespoons good grade B maple syrup(for minerals)and 1/8th of a teaspoon cayenne pepper.Sounds awful but actually it gets to be quite delicious.If any one wants to drink 6 to 10 of these a day and any other water or mild herb tea like peppermint.
Once It is stopped using tums for acid reflux, It was using apples,which work well.But,It does n't always have them on hand especially away from home.So It has tried crystallized ginger (ginger soaked in sugar),and it works great. Anytime symptoms come on,It can eat several pieces.
Mustard works well in acid reflux.It is seen that who eats spoon full of Mustard...and can tell the difference.
Probiotics has helped to cure acid reflux tremendously.It takes them daily before or after a meal and may be very satisfied.If any one were pregnant with hypertension,It would discontinue all carbonated beverages(damage the kidneys)and would start taking a good magnesium supplement or using the magnesium oil to bring the levels up to normal without getting the laxative effect.
Acid Reflux Can IMO be caused by too little hydrocloric acid as well as two much.So many tell the opinion it is difficult to tell if any one to acid or too alkaline,Same symptoms then may be take HCL.