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Thursday, 9 May 2013

Instant Tips To Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Pregnancy stretch marks are one of the main concerns for women who are planning their pregnancy. These pregnancy stretch marks look very embarrassing after you are through with your pregnancy and get busy with your newborn baby. It’s always better and advisable to take care and prevent pregnancy stretch marks from the very beginning of your pregnancy.
Instant Tips To Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks

Tips To Prevent Pregnancy Stretch Marks: 

TIP (1)
Use sandalwood paste on your stomach during pregnancy. Sandalwood paste is known to prevent skin from stretching a lot during pregnancy.
TIP (2)
During pregnancy, massage cocoa butter twice a day on your stomach, hips and breasts. Cocoa butter is known to be an effective remedy to prevent pregnancy stretch marks. Diet during pregnancy has a lot to do not only for the health of mother and child but what you eat during pregnancy also help to prevent stretch marks. A balanced diet which includes adequate amount of Vitamin A, C, and E found in fish liver oils, vegetables, fruits, eggs and beans keeps the skin healthy and supple and heals and prevents pregnancy stretch marks.
TIP (3)
Aloe Vera gel is also useful to prevent pregnancy stretch marks. Apply Aloe Vera gel on your stomach during pregnancy which will ensure that you don’t get stretch marks after childbirth.
TIP (4)
Mix equal amounts of calendula oil and wheat germ oil and apply the mixture on your stomach breasts and hips. This will protect you from getting pregnancy stretch marks after your baby is born.
TIP (5)
Massage lightly with olive oil on your stretch marks until you start seeing the difference. Castor oil, almond oil, avocado oil, and vitamin E oil can also be used in place of olive oil. You will definitely feel the difference within a short period of time.
TIP (6)
Drink plenty of water. Proper hydration will maintain the elasticity of skin which will in turn help keep the collagen production at normal levels and prevent the pregnancy stretch marks.
TIP (7)
Indulge yourself in a moderate health and fitness regime in consultation with your physician during pregnancy. Exercise during pregnancy keeps your muscle toned up and this will prevent pregnancy stretch marks.
TIP (8)
Try not to put on excessive weight during pregnancy. Since being overweight increase the chances of getting stretch marks. Watch your diet and do follow a moderate fitness regime which will help not only to maintain yourself fit and healthy but would also help to prevent stretch marks.

Authors own's lines:

Follow the above tips and you will save yourself from getting the pregnancy stretch marks. But in case you get stretch marks even after taking care, don’t be disappointed, over a period of time they will convert into small lines and gradually fade off. Congratulations on your pregnancy for you will be delivering your bundle of joy and will be a proud mother. Our best wishes are with you for having a healthy baby. How useful did you find the above tips, please do share with us and also put up any useful tips on the subject that you want to share with others.

Saturday, 4 May 2013

Healthy Pregnancy Diet For Common Women

Top Ten Healthy Foods To Eat While You Are Pregnant ! Do you want to know the top healthy-foods that pregnant women should be eating? While it is true that there are so many healthy foods out there, some foods are so nutritious and packed with vitamins and minerals that it is best if you can include them in your pregnancy diet.
Healthy Pregnancy Diet For Common Women


Remember that what you eat during pregnancy has a direct impact on the development of the fetus. So you need to focus on foods that are rich in vitamins and minerals, proteins, and complex carbohydrates. Here are the top ten healthy-foods to include into your healthy pregnancy diet.

(1) Dark Green Leafy Vegetables: 

Leafy greens are packed with essential vitamins and minerals. You can get sufficient amounts of vitamins A, B12, C, and vitamin K from them. Green leafy vegetables are also rich in magnesium, iron, and folic acid. These minerals are important for pregnant women.

(2) Blueberries: 

Blueberries are considered super fruits. They are rich in vitamin C and antioxidants that could help strengthen your immune system. Blueberries are also versatile fruits because you can use them to prepare home made yogurt, ice cream, and jams. Prunes are also rich in nutrients and are essential for both the pregnant mother and the developing child because prunes combine the goodness of fiber, iron and potassium.

3) Potatoes: 

Never underestimate the nutritional benefits of the lowly potato. It is a good source of complex carbohydrates and fibers. Potatoes are filling and they could help improve the digestion of pregnant women.

(4) Orange Juice: 

The good old OJ should always be included in your pregnancy diet. Drink at least two cups of freshly squeezed orange juice daily to properly regulate your blood pressure. Oranges are also packed with vitamin C, vitamin A, and antioxidants.

(5) Fiber Rich Bran Cereals: 

Bran cereals are the best power breakfast for pregnant women. Cereals contain high amounts of fiber and folic acid. They are needed by the fetus for proper brain development.

(6) Chicken Breast: 

Low fat chicken breast can provide most of your protein needs during pregnancy. It is also packed with niacin, vitamin B6, and selenium. Just make sure to eat free range and organically grown chicken.

(7) Low Fat Yogurt: 

Pregnant women can benefit greatly from low fat yogurt. It is a complete food that contains proteins, calcium, and multivitamins. The calcium and protein combination could promote good muscle development.

(8) Almonds And Cashew: 

All nuts are good sources of quick protein for pregnant women. But if you are looking for super-nuts that provide rich amounts of vitamin E and manganese, then almonds and cashews are your best options.

(9) Legumes And Beans: 

Pregnant women can enjoy the versatility of beans and legumes. You can prepare them in any way you want. Most importantly, they are excellent sources of proteins, carbohydrates, good fats, and minerals specifically folate.

(10) Salmon: 

Fish should always be included in your diet. But pregnant women who are looking for a delicious sea food treat that contains high amount of Omega 3 fatty acid, salmon should be on top of their shopping list. Choose sockeye salmon caught in the wild because it is also high in vitamin D.

Do You Know Some More To Add to The list Above? 

We have listed above ten foods which are beneficial for the pregnant women. For the benefit of the readers would you like to add some more to the list above? Go ahead and do so by putting your comments below.

Friday, 3 May 2013

Asthma During Pregnancy and Effects

Every women is excited during pregnancy and very rightly so there are reasons to rejoice. Developing asthma during pregnancy is very common even in women who have never had a history of asthma earlier. Asthma during pregnancy makes it difficult for the pregnant women to breathe normally and this condition not only effects the women but also the fetus which is growing inside you which is dependent on you for the oxygen supply to breathe. Having said that, never assume that having asthma during pregnancy will make your pregnancy difficult or dangerous for your fetus. Pregnant women with controlled asthma can have absolutely normal deliveries with no risk to themselves or their baby. So now the question is how to treat asthma during pregnancy.
Asthma During Pregnancy and Effects

Don’t Stop The Asthma Treatment Abruptly:

However if you are taking the treatment for asthma before you got pregnant, never stop it in between fearing that the medication might adversely effect you fetus without the advice of you doctor, because asthma attack during pregnancy would be more harmful than the medication. Uncontrolled asthma during pregnancy pose a greater risk because in such cases the delivery may be premature and the baby may be born underweight. Severe asthma during pregnancy has a greater risk to the fetus which is deprived of the required supply of oxygen from the mother.

Asthma Symptoms During Pregnancy:

Asthma symptoms during pregnancy are same as those at any other time. There are about 10% chances of having an asthma attack during pregnancy, however if the condition deteriorates the symptoms are worst during the period between 6th to 8th months, its therefore advisable to inform your healthcare provider of your asthmatic symptoms to get the proper treatment of asthma during pregnancy. In most cases the asthma symptoms become normal within three months of delivery.
Asthma can be controlled during pregnancy, you can have a normal and healthy delivery just as any other women without asthma, if you have controlled asthma symptoms.

What Triggers An Asthma Attack?

Triggers of asthma during pregnancy are same as that at any other time however their severity may be different depending upon the changes of hormone during pregnancy.

Common triggers of asthma are as follows –

First hand or second hand cigarette smoke
Bacterial and viral infections such as cold, bronchitis, flu and sinusitis
Acid reflux or acidity
Allergic reactions from chemicals
Smoke from cooking or wood fire
Allergies from certain foods
Upsets in emotional relationships
Strong perfumes and sprays
Dust mite and pet allergies

Treatment Of Asthma During Pregnancy:

Asthma during pregnancy can be managed in the same way as it is managed at any other time. The best treatment at the first place is to avoid an asthma attack. So keep a check on your triggers and try to avoid them as far as possible. You may also consider some breathing exercises for asthmatics if you doctor suggests so.

Take care of the following -

Keep away from tobacco and tobacco products, if you smoke its better to quit smoking
Keep away from people suffering from cold or flu
Keep away from things you are allergic to
If you suffer from acidity or heartburn avoid eating heavy and spicy food
Clean your house of the irritants which may cause your asthma to trigger


There are usually two types of medications to control asthma, one is a long term medication to prevent and control asthma symptoms and the other is for a quick relief from asthma attacks. Long term medication during pregnancy is inhaled corticosteroids. These medications are sometimes combined to form one single preparation of inhaled steroid and long acting beta agonist. For fast relief from asthma attacks inhaled short acting beta agonists are taken to get immediate relief from asthma symptoms.

Your Comments ~

Asthma during pregnancy is a concern which should be addressed promptly, though asthma symptoms can be controlled by timely action and proper medications. How do you find the information listed above? Please submit your feedback in the comments below to let us improve to serve you better.

Thursday, 2 May 2013

Shortness Of Breath During Pregnancy

Shortness of breath during pregnancy is one of the early symptoms of pregnancy. You feel short of breath even after the minimal amount of physical activity. Though, generally speaking shortness of breath during pregnancy is harmless and does not affect your baby.
Shortness Of Breath During Pregnancy

Causes Of Shortness Of Breath During Pregnancy:

During Early Pregnancy:
During the first few weeks of pregnancy, there is a normal increase in hormone progesterone which makes you breathe more often and you fell like shortness of breath. Hormone progesterone expands the lungs which allow the blood to carry large amount of oxygen to the baby.
During Later Half Of Pregnancy:
Duding later stages of pregnancy, the size of the baby grows because of this the growing size of the uterus takes up more room in the belly causing shortness of breath.
During 31st to 34th week of pregnancy the uterus pushes other organs in the body and presses the diaphragm causing shortness of breath.
Due to these changes it becomes difficult for the lungs to expand fully.
This makes breathing more shallow which causes shortness of breath.
During The End Of Pregnancy:
During the last weeks of pregnancy, one feels less shortness of breath because the baby goes deep into the pelvic region for the final birth.
With the baby in the pelvic region, there is less pressure on the diaphragm and lungs which decreases shortness of breath.
However severe shortness of breath during pregnancy is not normal. If you have fast pulse rate and chest pain and you finger tips or lips are turning blue, you should immediately consult your doctor. Also see your doctor if you have asthma and you are pregnant.

How To Overcome Shortness Of Breath During Pregnancy:

Follow these tips to help overcome shortness of breath during pregnancy –
Sit straight or stand up as this posture gives your lungs more room to breath easily.
Move slowly to ease pressure on your lungs and heart to facilitate proper breathing.
Take pressure off your rib cage by lifting your arms over your head this makes you to breathe in more air.
Though you may continue to exercise during pregnancy but don’t exert too much and go easy.
To put less pressure on your lungs, sleep propped up on your left side.

When To Take The Medical Advice:

Mild shortness of breath during pregnancy is normal but if you feel a sudden and severe shortness of breath during pregnancy talk to your doctor immediately.
Call your doctor if you have any of these symptoms –
Heart palpitations
Pain in the chest
A fast pulse rate
Feeling faintness
Blood in your cough
Persistent coughing
Blueness on fingers, lips or toes
Aggravating asthma
Feeling feverish
Breathing problem during pregnancy should be given proper medical attention, especially if you have asthma, talk to your doctor on how to manage asthma during pregnancy. Condition of your asthma may improve, worsen or remain the same during pregnancy. During the third trimester of pregnancy, labour and delivery women with moderate or severe asthma are at increased risk of asthma attack.
Have You Experienced Shortness Of Breath During Pregnancy?
Hope you have got an insight into the condition of shortness of breath during pregnancy so as to make you aware and properly equipped to deal with the situation. Do share your experiences with us in the comments below.